Download Toxicwap legends of tomorrow season 2

<p>Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. When the JSA confronts the team of toxicwap legends of tomorrow season 2 about being in and stepping on their turf, they roundly knock out the heroic wannabes, even though Heywood gets excited about Commander Steel a. Hourman before, when he warned them in the season finale to stay away. Taken to the JSA headquarters, the Legends argue while the JSA watches from another room to no avail over what they should have done to avoid the situation. Vixen suggests getting rid of them, but Rex believes they might as well try to get a word in, as difficult as that sounds. Rex finally decides to give them toxicwap legends of tomorrow season 2 shot, but it comes at a cost. He immediately assumes Stein is the leader, completely passing over Sara, who tries to take command. He explains they have a job to do: Stop the Baron Krieger from advancing his mission in Paris and aiding the Nazis. Earlier, Eobard Thawne Reverse-Flash, doing his Reverse-History thing gave the Reich a single dose of a super-serum he says will help them overtake the Allies. They finally agree to leave the past behind, once and for all. Well, not so fast. At least one member — oh sorry, not-yet-member — of the Legends has an actual reason to like or dislike the JSA. Heywood, who had tried to bond with his grandfather earlier by telling him his father had shared all the battle stories with him as a child, again attempts to understand the grandfather his family revered. He feels around his neck for the dog tags but — gasp! Without the dog tag heirlooms, it means Commander Steel must have died at some point in history. According to his note, despite the JSA saying not to return, the mission the JSA went on to track Baron Krieger left them all dead — so it looks like the Legends do have to go back. The team arrives in Paris and concocts a plan to take down Krieger at his favorite nightclub. Ray sputters out an excuse, but the Nazi officer looks straight through him, allowing him to be beaten by the boys around town. Just when it seems all hope might be lost, a bright light flashes through the room.</p>

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